[The national carbon market is an important policy tool to implement the carbon neutral goal of peaking]
Release date:[2022/7/21] Read a total of [259] time

The national carbon market is an important policy tool to implement the carbon neutralization goal of peaking carbon. July 16 is the first anniversary of the launch of the national carbon emission trading market. As of July 15, the first batch of more than 2,000 key carbon emission units in the power generation industry has accumulated a total transaction volume of 194 million tons of carbon emission allowances (CEAs) in the national carbon market. The cumulative turnover was RMB 8.492 billion; it started from RMB 48/ton and reached a maximum of RMB 62/ton. The latest closing price on July 15 was RMB 58.24/ton. The national carbon market has developed into one of the largest carbon spot secondary markets in the world. This is also the first time in my country that the responsibility for controlling greenhouse gas emissions has been condensed on enterprises from the national level, and the industrial technology upgrading of enterprises has been promoted through the mechanism of market force.

1 Only electric power companies are involved

The first batch of enterprises included in carbon emission trading in my country are all power generation enterprises. The reason for this arrangement is mainly considering that enterprises in the power generation industry have large emissions, relatively standardized data, and high management level.

Zhao Yingmin, vice minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said at the launch of the national carbon emission trading market last year that the national carbon market chose the power generation industry as a breakthrough because the power generation industry directly burns coal, so the carbon dioxide emissions of the industry are relatively large.

More than 2,000 key emission units in the power generation industry across the country, including self-provided power plants, emit more than 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually. Therefore, the power generation industry is the first industry to start up, which can give full play to the positive role of the carbon market in controlling greenhouse gas emissions. . In addition, the management system of the power generation industry is relatively sound, and the data base is relatively good. Because to trade, you must first have accurate data. Accurate and effective acquisition of emission data is the premise of carbon market trading. The power generation industry has a single product, complete emission data measurement facilities, a high degree of automation management in the entire industry, standardized data management, and easy verification, and quota allocation is simple and easy.

1 Expansion is the general trend

Although the national carbon emission trading market has been running smoothly for a year, industry insiders believe that although the operation has achieved initial results, there are still many problems to be solved in the national carbon market, including the single participation of the industry. At present, only the power industry has been included in the scope of carbon emission trading, while the seven major industries of petrochemical, chemical, building materials, steel, non-ferrous metals, paper and domestic civil aviation have not been included in the transaction.

In fact, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has carried out preliminary preparations for carbon emission data in high-emission industries such as iron and steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, petrochemicals, chemicals, papermaking, and aviation for many years. Incorporate an industry and speed up the construction of relevant regulations and systems for the national carbon market.

It is understood that the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued a letter of entrustment to the China Building Materials Federation, officially entrusting the China Building Materials Federation to carry out the work related to the incorporation of the building materials industry into the national carbon market.

1 When will the textile industry be included in the carbon market?

Guangzhou is the only multi-pilot area in my country that has both a national low-carbon city pilot, a carbon trading pilot and a green financial reform and innovation pilot area. On July 14, the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government officially announced that it will explore and gradually expand the scope of emission control industries, and plan to include ceramics, textiles, data centers and other industries in the Guangdong carbon market. According to data, as of June 30 this year, the Guangzhou Carbon Emissions Trading Center had accumulated 207 million tons of transaction quotas, accounting for 27.7% of the national total; the total transaction value reached 5.092 billion yuan, accounting for 22.62% of the national total; The amount ranks first in the country. For the first time in the country, Guangzhou proposed to include textiles in the Guangdong carbon market, which undoubtedly has guiding significance for the expansion of national carbon trading.

According to statistics, the total energy consumption of the textile industry in 2019 was 107 million tons of standard coal, accounting for 2.2% of the national total energy consumption, 3.2% of the industry, and 4.0% of the manufacturing industry; among the 31 categories of manufacturing, the textile industry Carbon emissions ranked 6th, the chemical fiber manufacturing industry ranked 15th, and the textile and apparel industry ranked 22nd. Obviously, the carbon emission of the textile industry ranks in the forefront of the manufacturing industry, and it is also a general trend for the textile industry to be included in the carbon trading market.

Some experts pointed out that, focusing on the overall layout of China's response to climate change, overall consideration of emission reduction and social and economic development, and scientifically and rationally promoting the process of carbon market expansion, carbon emission data support needs to be further strengthened, and it is difficult to formulate quota share plans for new industries. If a new industry is to be included in the second compliance period, industry-oriented carbon emission accounting standards must first be obtained, and the emission data of at least the previous year must be calculated. However, the latest accounting standards for other industries have not yet been officially released.

Cheng Hao, deputy director of the Industry Department of China Textile Federation, believes that it is "sure" that the textile industry is included in the carbon trading market, but it is not easy to achieve carbon trading in different industries and regions. If other industries such as the textile industry want to be included in the carbon market, it is necessary to establish a carbon market with a unified standard and solve the difficulty of universal carbon indicators across industries, which cannot be achieved in the short term.

CO greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption are the most important part of the overall carbon emissions of the textile industry. Cheng Hao pointed out that the important thing at present is to further optimize the energy structure system of the textile industry and encourage enterprises to use renewable energy as much as possible.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment said that in the next step, it will accelerate the revision of the national standards for greenhouse gas emission accounting and reporting in related industries in accordance with the mature principle of approval and release, and study and formulate quota allocation plans for different industries. After the healthy operation of the carbon market in the power generation industry , to further expand the scope of the carbon market covering industries, and give full play to the important role of the market mechanism in controlling greenhouse gas emissions, promoting green and low-carbon technological innovation, and guiding climate investment and financing.

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