[The domestic economy continued to recover with the advance of macro combination policies]
Release date:[2024/4/18] Read a total of [109] time

In the first two months of 2024, the global economic situation was relatively stable, and the manufacturing industry gradually pulled out of the weak state; The domestic economy continued to recover with the strength of the macro combination policy, coupled with the strong drive of the Spring Festival holiday, the national economy started steadily and rose steadily. In January-February 2024, the growth rate of industrial added value of the industrial textile industry has turned positive for the first time since the negative growth in January-February 2023, and the industry economy has a good start and the quantity and efficiency have increased.

In terms of production, according to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to February, the output of nonwovens of enterprises above designated size increased by 6.2% year on year, and the market vitality gradually recovered and the production and supply recovered synchronously. With the increase of new automobile production and automobile ownership, the output of curtain fabric increased by 17.1% year-on-year.

In terms of economic benefits, according to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in January-February, the operating income and total profit of enterprises above the scale of the industrial textile industry increased by 5.7% and 11.5% respectively, and the industry profit returned to the rising channel, and the operating profit margin was 3.4%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points.

From January to February, the total operating income and profit of non-woven enterprises above the scale fell by 1.9% and 14% respectively, and the operating profit margin was 2.3%, down 0.3 percentage points. The profit level of enterprises above the scale of rope, rope and cable has significantly improved, with operating income increasing by 26.4%, total profit increasing by 92.2%, and operating profit margin of 2.3%, an increase of 0.8 percentage points. The total operating income and profit of enterprises above the scale of textile belt and cord fabric increased by 12% and 3.1% respectively year-on-year, and the operating profit margin was 1.6%, down 0.1 percentage points year-on-year. The operating income and total profit of enterprises above the scale of tent and canvas increased by 9.7% and 43.2% respectively, and the operating profit margin was 5.1%, an increase of 1.2 percentage points. The total operating income and profit of other industrial textile enterprises above the scale of filtration and geotextile increased by 12.9% and 25.1%, respectively, and the operating profit margin of 5.6% was a higher level in the industry.

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